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  • Extendable ventilated canopy with peekaboo window and sun visor gives your child a pleasant ride in any weather and provides UV protection (UPF 50+)
  • Comfortable large seating area, with generous sitting height and adjustable footwell
  • Can be used from birth with Thule Sleek Bassinet or infant car seat adapter (sold separately)
  • Reversible seat for parent- or forward-facing position
  • Reclining seat in three positions for great comfort in both sleeping, resting, and upright position
  • Bumper bar that rotates to the side for easy seating of your child
  • Shock-absorbing 4-wheel suspension for a smooth ride on rougher terrain
  • No-puncture foam-filled 11" rear tires with reflective rims for a smooth ride on rougher terrain and improved visibility. Can be removed to reduce the folded size
  • Swiveling 8" front wheels with reflective rims that can be locked into fixed position for rides on rougher terrain. Can be removed to reduce the folded size
  • Simple, compact fold with auto lock, with or without seat mounted
  • Adjustable handlebar height for a perfect fit for every parent
  • Dedicated hook for stable and accessible placement of the changing bagc
  • Large cargo basket with zip-top cover that allows you to bring everything you need
  • Future-proof – can be expanded, for siblings or twins



- 可伸縮的通風雨棚,帶有躲貓貓的窗戶和遮陽板,可讓您的孩子在任何天氣下均能舒適騎行,並提供紫外線防護(UPF 50+)

- 舒適的大座位區,寬敞的就座高度和可調節的腳部空間

- 可從出生開始就使用Thule Sleek Bassinet或嬰兒汽車安全座椅適配器(另售)

- 面向父母或向前位置的可翻轉座椅

- 可以將座椅斜倚在三個位置,在睡眠,休息和直立位置都可提供極大的舒適感

- 可以將座椅斜躺在三個位置,在睡眠,休息和直立位置上都可提供極大的舒適感

- 保險槓可向側面旋轉,方便您的孩子就座

- 減震4輪懸架可在崎terrain的地形上平穩行駛

- 帶有反光輪輞的無刺泡沫填充11英寸後輪胎,可在崎terrain的地形上平穩行駛,並提高了能見度。可拆卸以減小折疊尺寸

- 帶有反光輪輞的可旋轉8英寸前輪可以鎖定在固定位置,以在崎terrain的地形上行駛。可以拆除以減小折疊尺寸

- 簡單,緊湊的折疊帶自動鎖定功能,帶或不帶座椅安裝

- 可調節的車把高度,適合每個父母

- 專用掛鉤,可穩定,方便地放置更換袋

- 帶有拉鍊頂蓋的大型載物籃,可讓您攜帶所需的一切

- 面向未來–可以擴展,適用於兄弟姐妹或雙胞胎

Thule Sleek Shadow Grey

HK$7,880.00 Regular Price
HK$1,900.00Sale Price
  • Technical specifications

    Weight capacity 49 lb
    Folded dimensions 32.6 x 23.8 x 16.5 in
    Weight 27.9 lb
    Sitting height 24.8 in
    Door pass through 23.8 in
    Safety harness 5-point 
    Meets safety standards  ✓ 
    Children 1 or 2 
    Color Aluminum/Energy Red 
    Model number 11000004
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